venerdì 13 luglio 2012


Bellissima iniziativa quella di ospitare alla Casa di Cecilia la Dottoressa Sigrid Loss, una luminare della scienza, che ha dato la disponibilità per andare gratuitamente a Balaka per portare il "suo" BRAIN GYM, una bellissima disciplina che permette l'apprendimento e non solo tramite l'esrcizio fisico. Questo è il testo della sua mail a pochi giorni dal rientro:
Dear Friends far in miles and close in heart,
 I am now home since 10 days and start to settle down slowly and I feel quite sick with the African Virus (after the Italian virus it is now the turn of the Malawian Virus) that means you will see me again! I arrived safe home and just relaxed the first days going to the beach and enjoying swimming with my friends. It is quite hot in Italy!

Slowly I get back to my work.
So nice to read your report from the 5 weeks of activities together. And I am happy that the Youth Assistants feel responsible and be your helpers during the Summer camp. Are you going to start this weekend?

I am sure that you will do a wonderful job together! And in order to keep the fire burning we should keep in touch through this mail, so when you reply do press “reply to all” so also Betta and Mara and Dario can read the mail.
Mara and Betta will come to Rapallo for a debriefing of the experience in Balaka and for planning what could come next. And it would be good if you could also think of what could be useful to focus on next June. The Summer Camp experience will show you what needs to be enhanced.

I will send another cd with the farewell mess through Andrea who goes back to Balaka on 18th of July.
Whenever you have some questions about the games or the Brain Gym activities, please do write me and I will do my best to help you.

Al the best for the summer camp and have a wonderful time
Best wishes


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